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And you think you had a bad day...

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Old 03-19-2003, 07:09 PM
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Default And you think you had a bad day...

Ok, most of my day was fine, until I get home. I get the mail and notice that I have a letter from the USBank (where I just paid off my car 2 weeks ago). Thinking it might be the title or payoff confirmation I eagerly open it. To my surprise I find out they quoted me the wrong payout balance when I paid it off and I still owe them $9x.xx dollars.

So I hop in what I thought was my paid off ride and haul a$$ to the nearest branch to have a discussion with their rep. I get there and the rep looked over the paperwork I got and then called the main office. Well, after she was on the phone with them for more than 15 minutes they came to the conclusion that they had read me the principle and interest amount only. You see, there were some payments that were made on the last due date that weren't proccessed until the next day. Anyways, there were some of these out there that I apparently didn't pay off when I paid off the car. So after go round and round on this I just decided to pay it and be done with the whole thing.

So now I go to the teller to pay the small remaining balance and it takes this woman 10 minutes to proccess anything. Then she looks at me and says the amount the statement says is wrong by something like $0.23. She can't put it in for an amount over so we edit the check (the last check I had on me) and she rings it thru. Finally got it all settled. Taking bets on wether I get another bill from them still. I was still a bit pissed when I left. I just decided to cut my losses and get it done.

Whew, can't get any worse right? ......wrong

Ok, so now I am in my car (still pissed off ) and I pull out of the lot onto the side street which leads directly to a stop light. Single lane, behind 2 cars, waiting to go right. Light go green and I get to the corner and give it some gas. At the next light (less than a block away) I need to go left. So as I peel around the corner I pull into the left turn lane, and I am first in line. See, now here is where it gets interesting. I am sittin there, windows open, stereo crancked, and then I see a cop pull up behind me. They didn't pull up to my bumper ike most cars, noooooooo, they parked back 25ft so they could read my plates nice and clearly. So I reach over and turn the radio down to a more acceptable volume.

Light goes green so I start to turn (knowing I am being watched). I get maybe 10 ft and the lights go on. So I pull over two lanes and stop. I am unsure why I am being pulled over. Was it the stereo? Was it the excessive acceleration at the previous light (wasn't speeding)? Well, the 2 cops get out of the car and start to walk up to it. I reach back for my wallet and the cop sees that. Next thing you know the cop on the passenger side tells the other cop to stop and puts his hand on his gun. I'm thinking oh ****. So when I pull the wallet out I hold it up high enough so they know I gook out my wallet and not a 9mm. They continue to walk up to the car and the officer asks me "Do you know why we pulled you over?". I answered "No sir", which was the wrong thing to say, especially since the officer was a she. So I quickly realize my mistake and say "Maam, sorry". At this point I noticed the other office on his hands and knees looking under the back of my car. Needless to say by my sig below, I have no cat, 3" pipe, and a straight thru muffler. Well aparently when I, as they put it, "gave it ome gas" around that last corner it made a noise that very easily caught their attention. By now I am thinking just shoot me and get it over with.

So she askes for my license and insurance. I give her both just to find out that the card I have for insurance expired 7 months ago. So she takes the info back to the car and they sit there for 5 minutes or so, they gotta make you sweat it a bit. This time the guy gets out of the passenger side first and signals to the lady officer to come out. I think she was in training or something. They both have huge grins on their faces, like a boy who just found daddies "secret stash". (You ever seen Super Troopers?, like that.)

The guy walks up to my window this time and the lady goes to the passenger side. Apparently this cop is a gear head. So he starts asking me questions about my exhaust like "do you have glass packs under there?" and I say "no officer". Then he asks me about my muffler. I explain to him that it is a performane muffler designed for a v8 Camaro and they don't make one for my car. He goes " I've never heard a Camaro sound quite like that before". So I enlighten him on the SSEi'* v6 SC setup vs the V8. He seemed to understand that quite well. He never did ask about the missing cat.

So now he looks at me and says "Well, my partner here thinks we should give you a break. Were gonna let you off with a verbal warning this time." I was so excited I almost pissed myself, almost, but I didn't. So the officer hands me back my license and stuff and then tells me the moral of the story.

"If you have an exhaust like this, don't rev it up infront of a police car. They'll just pull you over again"

Now they are turning around to walk away and all is better, right? ...wrong

The officer makes it to my rear tire, stops, turns around and comes back. He looks at me and points to the G-tech I got sittin on the lower windshield. He points at it and asks "Is that a GPS?" I say "No, It'* a g-tech" and continue to have a short but descriptive conversation on what it is. He seemed fairly interested in it. He pauses a second, then looks at me and says "Is there any other place you can mount that? Some cops will pull you over and ticket you for that." Uh oh, he we go again. I tell him that I think I can find a mounting kit for it and place it in a different location, off the windshield. He just grins and tells me to have a nice day. I finally pull away and pull the g-tech off the window.

So now I am finally on my way home again. Get home, type this up, and then throw back a few on a day well done.

So how was your day?
Old 03-19-2003, 07:18 PM
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I would have paid to be there just to laugh my *** of at you , LOL

Yet another kodak moment ( washing machine). You really have to start carrying a video camera.
Old 03-19-2003, 07:26 PM
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Luck was on your side bud!

I'm glad nothing bad came out of this, except for having to make a car payment. A ticket would have been 100x worse.
Old 03-19-2003, 07:37 PM
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I posted before I saw what happened Boat and I'm sorry.

Back during my senior year of High School, when I owned a 1970 Dodge Coronet, I did a massive burnout in the newly paved school parking lot. Well some rat bastard kids went crying to the principle and the next day I was in the office being yelled at excessivly on how I could of hurt someone AND on how a cop outside the school zone saw me do this but didn't think he could do anything. THEN I was told how they wanted to procecute me and get the courts on my @$$. I only thought to myself, "WTF!". Well they obviously called my parents and told them the situation and when I got home all my parents did was laugh.
They knew I was just being a teenager.

The school didn't do anything, just wanted to scare me.

Boat, it was one of those "wrong place at the wrong time" situations for you. Sorry. :(
Old 03-19-2003, 08:03 PM
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Well, I had a good enough day....quality reading guys, full of ups and downs. Honestly I thought you got into a minor accident on your SSEi, (remember you said something about damages to your cars shortly after complete payments...not to jinx it buddy)

Hey Boat, you have to do a few good deed around the house, you'll get those keys back..Team Grocery Getter will be back on track...I hope.
Old 03-19-2003, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by 89BonnieSE89
...Honestly I thought you got into a minor accident on your SSEi, (remember you said something about damages to your cars shortly after complete payments...not to jinx it buddy)
Well, it just technically got paid off 4 minutes before I got pulled over. So maybe it is all begining now!
Old 03-19-2003, 08:11 PM
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Naw naw...think happy thoughts

I thought it was cool that the cop was so interested in your car. I suppose the police rarely see a Bonneville so decked out. I'm sure he was impressed. Probably tired of pullin over rice boys with bad attitudes.

Or maybe he drives a Bonneville too!!

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