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LIFE RANT! (gotta get this off my chest)

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Old 04-27-2007, 04:37 AM
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Everything that'* been said is great, but I thought I would just add something for you to think about...

A great speaker I once listened to said "You are what you do. If you do something different this minute from what you did last minute, you are a new person NOW." If you think you are a person who has a little too much weight and spends all your time on the computer and who isn't venturing for jobs (no insult intended, just taking what you said), and you're not happy with it, then CHANGE is the key to your success. Just because you were all those things 5 minutes ago, doesn't mean it will take another 2 weeks to change it. If in 5 minutes you decide to go turn in an application, or eat a salad instead of a cheeseburger, or take a jog instead of checking BC (blasphemy!), or you just happen to say hello to a random person you see, then you've just changed yourself.

In my case... If I eat one meal that'* unhealthy, I'm only one meal away from stepping back onto the healthy track...

I know it'* much easier said than done, but it'* very truthful...
Old 04-27-2007, 07:52 AM
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You’re in the Columbus Area? I'm often in the Columbus area just chillaxin'; we could kick it. Send me a pm I'd be more then happy to shoot down to hang out & meet more members.
Y'all can come this way, it'* not too far. There are plenty of out door things to do in the summer.
Especially the beaches....
Old 04-27-2007, 09:19 AM
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Beaches?? In Pennsylvania??? Hate to break it to you, but that concrete area around the pool is not a beach....

And Peter, I know you know things could be worse, but you're young. Something will come up for you. Hang in there, find a less crappy job, or compromise and go to the school your folks want you to for a while.
Old 04-27-2007, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by corvettecrazy
The only club you need in columbus is OSU! There are plenty of cute girls there. I know my ex goes there (and I've seen her roommate )
hehehe, yeah, I know, but you kinda have to be in the know about these things, and the only people I know don't party at all, so I'm kinda SOL.

[quote="big_news_1"]Hey bud, head over to www.myrichuncle.com and check out what it would take to get a student loan. Want something that doesn't involve going to college? Check out some kind of school that teaches you a trade or technical position. Heck, come down to AirSafety and learn to be a pilot, then head off to a regional airline or cargo operation and make your money flying around at 400mph. You've got options... just do some investigating and don't limit yourself./quote]
I've researched that site when I was in high school, but didn't need because of the massive FAFSA money I got (a bit over 16k ). I'll have to look at it again. Also, I've been seriously considering a pilots license. I heard they make REALLY good money, and it'* also something I've wanted to do. If you don't mind, shoot me a PM on where I should start, because I can't seem to find a good resource.

Originally Posted by mstrwolfgang
"You are what you do. If you do something different this minute from what you did last minute, you are a new person NOW."
That'* one of the wisest things I've ever heard.

Originally Posted by McGrath
You’re in the Columbus Area? I'm often in the Columbus area just chillaxin'; we could kick it.
I'll definetly take ya up on that! Maybe an Intense run?

Originally Posted by McGrath
As for your weight you need a friend who will push you to exercise. My best friend since 1st grade has always been over weight big line backer in high school and now plays in an intramural football league. But I still get on him about his weight once and awhile and I get him motivated we’ll go biking or lifting or H*** just hiking up river fishing
All of my friends are either overweight or just don't work out

Originally Posted by Paco.McGraw
A female friend of mine kinda sat me down and let me have it to the point I was completely pissed off with her but the words hit home.
Believe me, I know the feeling

BTW, THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful responses. I've gotten some great advice from a lot of people, and believe me, I'm gonna use it. Especially with the exercising and school stuff. Thanks, you guys rock!
Old 04-27-2007, 04:37 PM
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You said your friends are overweight or just don't exercise.
Well that is fine, but here is another thing - the best motivation for doing something is to surround yourself with people you want to be like. Advice, pressure, motivation, you will find it there.
If losing some pounds is what you need to do, well yeah exercise but make sure you do so to the sound of your favorite music. For hiking, a cheap MP3 player should not run much. Heck, a prtable CD player is usually around $20 and they don't skip too badly.

Have you ever heard this phrase - "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"

So it is time to quit making excuses...
Old 04-27-2007, 04:57 PM
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Hey buddy! Sorry I'm a bit late, I'm not on here to much anymore and I just seen this thread.

Though life is tuff, it will get better. I've been there myself. Shitty job, bossy parents, friends that were to busy with their things to hangout. But I always kept a positive outlook in life. One thing you could try is making goals for yourself. I know it'* easier said than done, but if you really stick to it, you'll see great results. And maybe try hanging out different places from where you usually hangout. You might meet some great friends! I only have 2 friends from back in the day. Everyone else has parted ways, but I've made new friends since then. And the job situation, get out there and look. I have a crappy job right now but the pay is good, thats why I stay. And as for school, if you want to go to Xavier (excuse the spelling, that was a page ago) then see what you can do about getting loans, or grants if your parents won't help. You need to do what'* best for yourself. Don't let other people stop you, not even ur parents.
Old 04-27-2007, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: LIFE RANT! (gotta get this off my chest)

Originally Posted by petraman
My life stinks right now. I know there are starving children in Africa that have it worse than me, but still. Life stinks.
Welcome to the real world. You are the one in charge of your life, you have control. You don't like it, you need to do something about it

Originally Posted by petraman
My car is now almost totally dead, and I have NFC what it needs. I don't even have the money to fix it.
Two choices here. 1) Start with the basics, use the resources here, and work the most important issues out, then more on to the unimportant ones. 2) Start thinking about selling it and buying a running car. While not the most attractive solution, it might be the better solution. There will always be another bonneville you can buy.

Originally Posted by petraman
My education is screwed, mainly because I just don't know what to, and my parents keep forcing me to find something. I'd like to go to Xavier, but no, my parents won't pay for it.
I would have liked to go to Harvard or MIT, but they were expensive and myfamily couldn't afford it. A good education is not about how much money it costs or how much you like the paricular school. You can find great colleges in all price ranges. Go to a Community college for 2 years and get an associates, even if it is in something like business. 1) it'* cheaper, usually like $1500-$4000 a year. 2) You'll have an associates, which will allow you to get a better job than no degree 3) It will allow you to figure out what you want to do with life.

Originally Posted by petraman
I can't get into armed forces because of my weight,
Do you have two feet? Do they work? Use them. Even if you just go and walk a mile or two, it'* better than nothing. Even if you don't lose a lot of weight, increasing your stamina, toning your muscles, and generally improving your health are great side effects. it will also give you time to contemplate things like what you want to do in life. Work your way up to possibly going to a gym for an hour or so. Put any reservations behind you about he people there. You are there to maintain your health, any ney-sayers can go to hell.

Originally Posted by petraman
I can't find a better job,
This is crap. I bet you haven't tried. and by tried I don't mean searched the internet. I'm talking dropping off or sending in resumes and possibly talking to managers and filling in applications. Showing that effort can sometimes get you jobs that had yet to come available. I sent my resume in to a company 3 years ago when I hadn't yet finished college. There were no jobs being advertised for the company. I got a call within 2 hours, an interview within 2 days and started working within 2 weeks just cause I sent in the resume. I've been there for over 3 years now and things are looking good. I'm sure you can do this as well.

Originally Posted by petraman
I have no life, I sit in my basement on my computer all day,
My man, you have just uncovered the reason why you posted this. Unless you are a good computer programmer and you are working on the next napster or YouTube, then you need to be out and looking for a job. I suspect that your parents don't keep a supply of possibly willing girls down there, and I don't know if employers would necessarily wander by either. Get out of there.

Another thing with this. While we might be a great bunch of people and a good support group, we cannot replace human interaction and friends you can hang out with regularly. You aren't going to miss anything by not being here for 12-24 hours. It'* a forum. Whatever was said will be there when you get back. Only things you might miss are stuff for sale. Since you have no money, looks like that isn't an issue.

Originally Posted by petraman
and I don't have a girlfriend.
Really? See above

Originally Posted by petraman
Best Buy sucks, and they won't give me full time LIKE THEY PROMISED. I made more money in high school and worked FAR LESS. I do 2x the work any of my managers do, and I get constant recognition from all of my co-workers for the work I do, and I am the ONLY person that knows anything about car audio. Also, I have SINGLE HANDEDLY raised the bar for store margin, and have also helped the store get a 1000 dollar bonus for the quarter. And how much do I get paid? 7.60 AN HOUR!!!!! GOD THAT PISSES ME OFF!!!
Just cause you think you "single handedly" made the company money, doesn't mean that you actually did, or that they even have to recognize it. When you work for a company like that, you work as a team. And just cause they "Promised" something, doesn't mean that they have to follow through on it. This is the real world. A promise is nice, but doesn't get you very far, especially if it is not in writing. A company having a tough time might decide after that hiring people full time might not be best for the company and don't/ You kinda sound like your example here in that you seemed to have stocked your faith in them hiring you full time. Start sending those resumes and you'll see better results.

Originally Posted by petraman
Oh, and my parents. They hate me, I swear. They're kicking me out soon, so that either means I go to school or else I'm out on the street,
Your parents are your greatest asset. There is nothing more in life than parents when you are in need. Now, you might say you are in need now, but you are mistaken. From the sounds of it, you may have taken advantage of your parent'* willingness, and they now see making you move out as the only way to kick yourself into gear. Sitting in your basement, or spending all your money on carparts does not sit well with parents. those things are nice, but show no motivation for the future. My parents stopped paying for my education after I got low grades because I was chasing girls, and spending my money of computers and cars. After that, I had to find ways to pay for it. And I did. I am sitting here with around $40,000 is student loans that I am now paying off, along with another $6-8k in credit card debt. Did I spend money wisely? No. Am I paying for it now? Yes. Am I complaining? No, cause I know I got myself into it, and now I have to figure my own way out. My car started having issues, I parked it, took out a loan, and bought a new car. I started selling all the parts I collected, and am getting rid of everything I don't need.

You know what has come of that? My parents are now helping me out financially again, mostly cosigning, but they will help me out if I am stretched a bit. I have a better relationship with them now as well. I know that if something happened to me, they'd help me out in any way they could. I am sure yours will too if you start showing them you are taking steps in the right direction. When you re-write your resume, let them proof read it. Make a list of places you are going to take it to, and chekc them off after you drop them off. Let your parents see that you are doing this. Look into less expensive colleges and figure out the costs, and work yourself out a budget on what the monthly cost would be. Expecting your parents to pay the full ride for school may be a little much and they could say no, but if you show you put the time in, and only ask them if they could help cover the difference, this would make them more likely to help you out financially.

Originally Posted by petraman
because there'* NO WAY I can live with a salary of 600 a month. They don't approve of my lifestyle, they hate my car, they hate when I work on my car.
I know some whole families that can live off $600/month. It'* all how you spend it and how wise you spend it. And judging from your salery, you are only working less than 20 hrs a week. Maybe a second job would help if they aren't giving you full time at best buy. If you are in a city, consider taking the car off the road and using public transport or your feet. It'* not expensive to have storage insurance (comprehensive) on a car (I pay $80/6months) and it'll save you a lot in gas, insurance and repairs.

Again, as i said before, they see the car as you not exerting the effort in a constructive, earning manner.

Originally Posted by petraman
I'm so sick of it. I'm sick of my life. High school was so easy... Anyone have a time machine? I'd love to go back to high school, a time when I actually had friends, and I had a girl, and my life didn't suck.
blah blah blah whaa whaa whaa. Highschool was so easy. Yea, it was. Parents paid for you, living was free, you knew what your day consisted of. it was all warm and fuzzy. That'* not the real world. You have to make decisions now. and you are now in control of what your life becomes. Time to man up and make something. I am sure you have the resourse, you just need to figure out how to apply them.

Originally Posted by petraman
Ok, rant over.
Excellent. Glad you could get it out of your system.

Originally Posted by petraman
This is the most friendly group of people I've ever met, and it really helps me. I can't wait to meet a lot of you at NEBF. Thanks
We are glad we could be of assistance. But again, you need to think about those things that affect you everyday and you need to go make something of it. BC is not a living, it doesn't earn you money, and in most cases ends up costing you (damn upgrades)

I know I was condescending and may have come across as rude at points, but you need to think about some of the things I stated. I have been in similar situations. I wanted to be back in highschool because it was easy. But unfortunately, easy doesn't cut it. Think about what I have said and the advice others and myself have offered and I think you'll be able to get yourself motivated.

Also, if money is an issue, NEBF should probably be considered. Again, the decision of what is a priority should be considered. I'm still contemplating selling the bonneville to free up my financial situation more, and have cut several trips (WCBF last year) due to them not being financially viable.

Good luck to you, and hopefully we hear of you getting a new job here in the coming weeks.[/code]
Old 04-27-2007, 07:25 PM
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Geoff, have you ever put any applications in at a couseling job?

Old 04-27-2007, 07:38 PM
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Yeah, I actually expected most of the responses, if any, to be a bit, well, harsh, because I know a lot of people were in my same position and knew that the only way to get out of it is to get up and do something. Well, starting tomorrow, I'm entering into a schedule:
Sunday: Wake up, go to Church (yeah, I'm gonna start going again, figured it'll give me some spiritual support), then go to work or go to the Y and do 10 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and 15 minutes on the elliptical.
Monday: Wake up at 9 regardless (every day), Go to work and go on a walk outside (the lap is around 4-5 miles, I'll have to see next time I'm out in my car).
Tuesday: Go to work and go bike around the same lap (don't wanna work myself too hard, I gotta take baby steps)
Wednesday: Same as Monday
Thursday: Same as Thursday
Friday: Same as Monday and Wednesday, except for a club I'm gonna start going to
Saturday: Do something with a friend and go to the Y and ride 10 miles on the bike and 10 minutes on the elliptical.

I know these leave a lot of gaps, but hopefully they'll be filled in soon. I have been trying to look for jobs, but it'* been kinda hard since I can only get my parents car once in a while. If you have anything to add, I'd love to hear it

Oh, one more thing, I found a timer for my computer, and I'm thinking of setting it for 2 hours a day. We'll see how that works
Old 04-28-2007, 01:20 AM
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Did you know that a study of those who go to church, as opposed to those who do not, average about $5,000-$15,000 more a year in salary? Hey, even if you're not religious, an hour a week in a pew can boost that much income, why not?!

But seriously, they say that going to church (or at least a place of worship of a higher power that can be in control) helps people to share their hardships with a "greater being" and it allows them to not feel so overburdened. I think you've got some great ideas Peter.

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